Issues, FAQ, Debugging¶
If you come across a Bug or other issue please report it in the Github Section Let’s keep this going until Mathworks finds a way to * it up.
Since this file is static any reference in the issues section on GitHub should be checked first. But here are some aspect which I came across:
“My changes are not reflected in the project files.”¶
Flush the cache.
If you change large parts of your application in app designer, maker sure to clear the mfiles directories from the old mfiles. This is pretty much like clearing a cache of the webserver.
This is valid for: + mfiles + HTML documentation + LaTeX files
“Too many input arguments …”¶
Error using `plugin` Too many input arguments.
Error in externalStartUpFunctionOfProject (line 29)
app.plugins.firstplugin.`plugin` = `plugin`(app.(f));
- Reason
Somehow the folder containing a .mlapp file got on your filepath. Now, the program confuses the classdef file which needs an UIFigure as an input with the standalone .mlapp file
- Solution
Remove it from the MATLAB searchpath
“Unable to find function …”¶
Error using `plugin`
Unable to find function `plugin`.init.main_Panel within `path` / `plugin`.m
- Reason
the uppermost element should be an uipanel. Also this uipanel has to be named main_Panel. (Not to be confused with the label of the uipanel)
- Solution
Remove it from the MATLAB searchpath