The Long Story

State of App Designer

using MATLAB App Designer (AD) is almost as easy as working with spreadsheets. However, anyone with some spreadsheet experience knows that with increasing complexity you’re likely to hit an efficiency barrier. It is not different with AD:

  1. size slows down the editor

  2. doesn’t offer code folding

  3. doesn’t have a visual hierarchy on the code level

  4. editable area is safe guarded

  5. favors a monolithic design structure

  6. which then is hard to maintain and keep tidy and

  7. makes it more painful to introduce new features

As a result, apps tend to be single use apps.

Existing Workarounds

Most of the issues can be simply avoided by calling an external script, function, class or application from within the editable area. Separating UI from the logic and data is a general concept:

function callbackOfSomeUserInterfaceElementPushed(app, event)
    someFunctionLocatedInAnOtherFile(app, event);

Functions are favorable to scripts since they offer separate namespaces. Classes can be great to work with. Maintaining function might be easier.

Linking different apps from one central app is is an intuitive way to go. However, I would not like to open, rearrange and close ten different windows during my workflow.

Tabs and panels offer a simple way to structure different parts of an app. Unfortunately this structure is not reflected in the code base. Except, if someone would be chuzpe enough to use container UI elements as namespaces. The key to the success of this approach would be:


retaining the visual drag and drop user experience and add as little pain as possible

Is there a way to bridge the gap between programmatic and visual app design in MATLAB? Since .mlapp files are container files the source code could be modified and zipped back. While it sounds like a easy patch. Note that surgery is avoided for a reason. It may work now, but the next version could break everything. 1 In other words the procedure should be noninvasive - or - at least not rely upon keeping the patient alive.


Some analysis on the .mlapp file format

Approach Presented Via mlAppKit


Let’s … borrow … the concept of views and activities from other IDEs such as Android Studio or any other.

Going through the possible combinations I came up with three different views/activities:

  • host which has a UI Figure serving as a socket

  • plugins which (each) have a UI Panel as the highest structural element

  • popups with an UI Figure to save real estate




    highest structural element

    UI Figure

    UI Panel


    can live…




    serves as…

    socket board



Extract Code from .mlapp

in courtesy of StackOverflowMATLABchat

evalcstr = sprintf('type(''%s‘’)’, 'app.mlapp'));
myMcode  = evalc(evalcstr); % evalcstr: 'type('app.mlapp')'

Project File and Folder Structure

├── mlAppKit                      # project folder
│    ├── .mignore                 # files and folders for make to ignore
│    ├── buildTheApp.m            # make-function
│    ├── [ ... ]                  # e.g. .gitignore
│    ├── host                     # host app:
│    │    ├── host_app.mlapp      #
│    │    └── mfiles              # contains the extracted and edited code
│    │        └──host_app.m       #
│    │
│    ├── firstplugin              # plugin: a standalone app byitself
│    │    ├── redbutton.mlapp     #         into your project
│    │    ├── [ ... ]             #
│    │    └── mfiles              # extracted and edited classdef code
│    │        └── redbutton.m     #
│    │        └── [ ... ]
│    │
│    ├── [ ... ]                  # the key is that you may have as much
│    │                            # plugins as you want
│    ├── popups
│    │    ├── settings.mlapp
│    │    ├── [ ... ]
│    │    └── mfiles
│    │        └── settings.m
│    │        └── [ ... ]
│    │
│    ├── functions                # both project and mlAppKit specific f(x)
│    │    └── [ ... ]             # f(x) to parse the project files
│    │
│    └── static                   # App Designer related static assets like
│        ├── icons                # Icons used within UI Buttons
│        └── [ ... ]
└── mlAppKit-docs