Source code for src.calcbsimpvol

from scipy.special import erf
# it is common to use `import numpy as np`
# but what don't you do to save 3 characters ...
from numpy import (
    # --- logical

    # --- constants / data type

    # --- creation

    # --- ops

    # --- juggling

[docs]def calcbsimpvol(arg_dict): """ calculates implied volatility surface or smile. Translated from MATLAB code. As it is a bare-metal package I would suggest to write an adapter class to feed the function. Args: arg_dict(dict): cp (ndarray): int.....Call = [+1], Put = [-1]...[m x n] or [1 x 1] P (ndarray): float...Option Price Matrix...[m x n] S (ndarray): float...Underlying Price...[1 x 1] K (ndarray): float...Strike Price...[m x n] tau (ndarray): float...Time to Expiry in Years...[m x n] r (ndarray): float...Continuous Risk-Free Rate...[m x n] or [1 x 1] q (ndarray): float...Continuous Dividend Yield...[m x n] or [1 x 1] Returns: - **iv** (ndarray) – float...The Implied Volatility...[m x n] Examples: This is the first example which is also included separate file within the examples folder. .. code-block:: python from calcbsimpvol import calcbsimpvol import numpy as np S = np.asarray(100) K_value = np.arange(40, 160, 25) K = np.ones((np.size(K_value), 1)) K[:, 0] = K_value tau_value = np.arange(0.25, 1.01, 0.25) tau = np.ones((np.size(tau_value), 1)) tau[:, 0] = tau_value r = np.asarray(0.01) q = np.asarray(0.03) cp = np.asarray(1) P = [[59.35, 34.41, 10.34, 0.50, 0.01], [58.71, 33.85, 10.99, 1.36, 0.14], [58.07, 33.35, 11.50, 2.12, 0.40], [57.44, 32.91, 11.90, 2.77, 0.70]] P = np.asarray(P) [K, tau] = np.meshgrid(K, tau) sigma = calcbsimpvol(dict(cp=cp, P=P, S=S, K=K, tau=tau, r=r, q=q)) print(sigma) # [[ nan, nan, 0.20709362, 0.21820954, 0.24188675], # [ nan, 0.22279836, 0.20240934, 0.21386148, 0.23738982], # [ nan, 0.22442837, 0.1987048 , 0.21063506, 0.23450013], # [ nan, 0.22188111, 0.19564657, 0.20798285, 0.23045406]] .. code-block:: python #%% Plotting the results from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import matplotlib.pyplot as plt m = np.log(S/K) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(m, tau, sigma) ax.set_xlabel('log Moneyness') ax.set_ylabel('Time Until Expiry') ax.set_zlabel('implied Volatility [% p.a.]') This is the second example which is also included separate file within the examples folder. .. code-block:: python from calcbsimpvol import calcbsimpvol import numpy as np P = [[59.14, 34.21, 10.17, 16.12, 40.58], [58.43, 33.59, 10.79, 17.47, 41.15], [57.87, 33.16, 11.363, 18.63, 41.74], [57.44, 32.91, 11.90, 19.58, 42.27]] P = np.asarray(P) S = np.asarray(100) K = np.arange(40, 160, 25) tau = np.arange(0.25, 1.01, 0.25) K, tau = np.meshgrid(K, tau) cp = np.hstack((np.ones((4, 3)), -1 * np.ones((4, 2)))) # [Calls[4,3], Puts[4,2]] r = 0.01 * np.ones((4, 5)) * np.asarray([1.15, 1.10, 1.05, 1]).reshape((4, 1)) q = 0.03 * np.ones((4, 5)) * np.asarray([1.3, 1.2, 1.1, 1]).reshape((4, 1)) sigma = calcbsimpvol(dict(cp=cp, P=P, S=S, K=K, tau=tau, r=r, q=q)) print(sigma) # [[0.27911614, 0.23659105, 0.20714849, 0.21834553, 0.24225733], # [0.2797917 , 0.2315275 , 0.20249323, 0.21436123, 0.23823301], # [0.27436779, 0.22679618, 0.1987485 , 0.21097384, 0.23450519], # [0.26918174, 0.22235213, 0.19572994, 0.20807133, 0.2310324 ]] .. code-block:: python #%% Plotting the results from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # noqa: F401 unused import import matplotlib.pyplot as plt m = np.log(S/K) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(m, tau, sigma) ax.set_xlabel('log Moneyness') ax.set_ylabel('Time Until Expiry') ax.set_zlabel('implied Volatility [% p.a.]') References: 1) Li, 2006, "You Don't Have to Bother Newton for Implied Volatility" 2)'s_method 3) 4) """ # rather have a dict or class instead of seven variables feed_keys = ['cp', 'P', 'S', 'K', 'tau', 'r', 'q'] for key in feed_keys: if type(arg_dict[key]) is not ndarray: arg_dict[key] = asarray(arg_dict[key]) # convert to column vector if len(shape(arg_dict[key])) == 1 and key is not 'S': arg_dict[key] = reshape(arg_dict[key], (size(arg_dict[key]), 1)) # create short pointers/variables for data inside arg_dict cp = arg_dict['cp'] P = arg_dict['P'] S = arg_dict['S'] K = arg_dict['K'] tau = arg_dict['tau'] r = arg_dict['r'] q = arg_dict['q'] gh = shape(P) g = gh[0] h = gh[1] # for simplicity reasons a risk free rate and or dividend yield can be # supplied as a scalar value or previously modeled and supplied as an array / vector if size(r) == 1: r = r * ones((g, h)) if size(q) == 1: q = q * ones((g, h)) if size(cp) == 1: cp = cp * ones((g, h)) p = asarray([-0.969271876255, 0.097428338274, 1.750081126685]) m_values = [ 6.268456292246, -6.284840445036, 30.068281276567, -11.780036995036, -2.310966989723, -11.473184324152, -230.101682610568, 86.127219899668, 3.730181294225, -13.954993561151, 261.950288864225, 20.090690444187, -50.117067019539, 13.723711519422 ] m = ones((g, h, 14)) for zetta in range(14): m[:, :, zetta] = ones((g, h)) * m_values[zetta] n_values = [ -0.068098378725, 0.440639436211, -0.263473754689, -5.792537721792, -5.267481008429, 4.714393825758, 3.529944137559, -23.636495876611, -9.020361771283, 14.749084301452, -32.570660102526, 76.398155779133, 41.855161781749, -12.150611865704 ] n = ones((g, h, 14)) for zetta in range(14): n[:, :, zetta] = ones((g, h)) * n_values[zetta] i_values = [0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4] i = ones((g, h, 14)) for zetta in range(14): i[:, :, zetta] = ones((g, h)) * i_values[zetta] j_values = [1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0] j = ones((g, h, 14)) for zetta in range(14): j[:, :, zetta] = ones((g, h)) * j_values[zetta] P[cp == -1] = P[cp == -1] + S * exp(-q[cp == -1] * tau[cp == -1]) - K[cp == -1] * exp(-r[cp == -1] * tau[cp == -1]) P = maximum(P, 0) c_values = P / (S * exp(-q * tau)) x_values = log(S * exp((r - q) * tau) / K) c = ones((shape(c_values)[0], shape(c_values)[1], 14)) x = ones((shape(x_values)[0], shape(x_values)[1], 14)) for zetta in range(shape(x)[2]): x[:, :, zetta] = x_values c[:, :, zetta] = c_values v1_fixed = _fcnv(p, m, n, i, j, x, maximum(c, 0)) # D- Domain (x < 1) v2_fixed = _fcnv(p, m, n, i, j, -x, maximum(exp(x) * c + 1 - exp(x), 0)) # D+ Domain (x > 1) v = zeros((g, h)) v[x[:, :, 0] <= 0] = v1_fixed[x[:, :, 0] <= 0] v[x[:, :, 0] > 0] = v2_fixed[x[:, :, 0] > 0] # Domain-of-Approximation is x = {-0.5, +0.5}, v = {0, 1}, x/v = {-2, 2} domain_filter = logical_and( logical_and(logical_and(x[:, :, 0] >= -0.5, x[:, :, 0] <= 0.5), logical_and(v > 0, v < 1)), logical_and((x[:, :, 0] / v) <= 2, (x[:, :, 0] / v) >= -2)) not_domain = bitwise_not(domain_filter) v[not_domain] = 0.8 sigma = v / sqrt(tau) # Householder's root-finder k_max = 10 tolerance = asarray(1e-12) sigma = sigma.flatten() P = P.flatten() S = S.flatten() K = K.flatten() tau = tau.flatten() r = r.flatten() q = q.flatten() C = full((shape(P)), True, dtype=bool) s = _core(P, S, K, tau, r, q, sigma, C) e = s['obj'] C = absolute(e) > tolerance k = 1 while logical_and(any(C), k <= k_max): s = _core(P, S, K, tau, r, q, sigma, C) numerator = (6 * e[C] * s['vega'] ** 2 + 3 * e[C] ** 2 * s['vomma']) denominator = (-6 * s['vega'] ** 3 - 6 * e[C] * s['vega'] * s['vomma'] - e[C] ** 2 * s['ultima']) sigma[C] = sigma[C] - (numerator / denominator) s = _core(P, S, K, tau, r, q, sigma, C) e[C] = s['obj'] C = absolute(e) > tolerance k = k + 1 sigma[C] = nan sigma = reshape(sigma, (g, h)) return sigma
def _core(P, S, K, tau, r, q, sigma, C): """ calculation part, takes ndarrays (column vector) S: float, scalar P, K, tau, r, q, sig: float, [n x 1] C: boolean, [n x 1] """ denominator = (sigma[C] * sqrt(tau[C])) d1 = (log(S / K[C]) + (r[C] - q[C] + sigma[C] ** 2 * 0.5) * (tau[C])) / denominator d2 = (log(S / K[C]) + (r[C] - q[C] - sigma[C] ** 2 * 0.5) * (tau[C])) / denominator fcnN_d1 = _fcnN(d1) fcnN_d2 = _fcnN(d2) fcnn_d1 = _fcnn(d1) fcnn_d2 = _fcnn(d2) call = exp(-q[C] * tau[C]) * S * fcnN_d1 - exp(-r[C] * tau[C]) * K[C] * fcnN_d2 obj = (P[C] - call) vega = S * exp(-q[C] * (tau[C])) * fcnn_d1 * (sqrt(tau[C])) vomma = vega * d1 * d2 / sigma[C] ultima = -1 * vega * (d1 * d2 * (1 - d1 * d2) + d1 ** 2 + d2 ** 2) / (sigma[C] ** 2) return { 'd1': d1, 'd2': d2, 'fcnN_d1': fcnN_d1, 'fcnN_d2': fcnN_d2, 'fcnn_d1': fcnn_d1, 'fcnn_d2': fcnn_d2, 'call': call, 'obj': obj, 'vega': vega, 'vomma': vomma, 'ultima': ultima }
[docs]def _fcnv(p, m, n, i, j, x, c): """ Eq. (19), Li (2006) """ return p[0] * x[:, :, 0] + p[1] * sqrt(c[:, :, 0]) + p[2] * c[:, :, 0] + ( sum(n * ((x ** i) * (sqrt(c) ** j)), 2)) / (1 + sum(m * ((x ** i) * (sqrt(c) ** j)), 2))
[docs]def _fcnN(x): """cumulative density function (cdf) of normal distribution """ return 0.5 * (1. + erf(x / sqrt(2)))
[docs]def _fcnn(x): """probability density function (pdf) of normal distribution """ return exp(-0.5 * x ** 2) / sqrt(2 * pi)